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TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je held incommunicado after high court revokes release ruling

TAIPEI, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) — The Taipei District Court held a second detention hearing on Thursday and ruled to detain Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je incommunicado on the ground that there is a risk of destruction of evidence, collusion with accomplices, or tampering with witnesses.
The second hearing was held after the Taiwan High Court on Wednesday revoked a ruling to release Ko without bail and ordered a new hearing on the matter.
Ko is suspected of being involved in corruption related to a real estate project during his tenure as the mayor of Taipei.
Investigators raided Ko’s residence, office and the TPP party headquarters on Friday morning and announced the arrest of Ko early on Saturday morning.
The Taipei District Court ordered Ko’s release without bail early Monday morning after a detention hearing. ■
